Southwest Word Fiesta and WNMU Miller Library will host Silver City Poet Laureate Allison Waterman and Young Adult novelist and poet Catalina Claussen for “An Hour of Poetry Power” on Tuesday, November 9, 6-7 PM. Waterman will read from her new collection of poems set for publication at the end of her term. Claussen will […]
Thursday Oct 21, 2021. 6:00-8:00 p.m. Light Hall, WNMU. Jack Crocker in Conversation with JJ Amaworo Wilson. Silver City and Grant County Poet Laureate emeritus Jack Crocker and WNMU writer-in-residence JJ Amaworo Wilson discuss their latest books: The Algorithm of I (Jack Crocker) & Nazaré (JJ Amaworo Wilson), followed by book sales and signing. Refreshments […]
We are pleased to announce that Southwest Word Fiesta will present the PBS American Masters stunning film Words From a Bear based on the life and times of N. Scott Momaday at Western New Mexico’s Light Hall at 6:30-9:00 pm on October 19, 2021. Readings from some of Mr. Momaday’s works will start the program […]
The Southwest Word Fiesta, a biennial literary festival based in Silver City, NM will host “Hillerman Day” on October 20, 2021, 4:00-6:30 p.m., celebrating novelists Tony Hillerman and his daughter Anne Hillerman, as well as his brother the photographer Barney Hillerman. This virtual event will kick off with Anne Hillerman reading from and discussing her […]
Silver City author Beate Sigriddaughter’s new collection of prose poems, Kaleidoscope, has just been published by Cholla Needles and is available on Kaleidoscope is a procession of shifting visions, sometimes dazzling, oftentimes moody, and always unpredictable. The poems, written in third person, are reflections of an unnamed woman on abstract themes that quickly get anchored […]
Lágrimas: Poems of Joy and SadnessBy Nasario García Lágrimas: Poems of Joy and Sadness provides an introspective view at how I as a young boy perceived my immediate and extended worlds. Within these two domains rests an array of joyful and somber emotions that take the reader to the Río Puerco Valley southeast of Chaco […]

We respectfully acknowledge that the entirety of southwestern New Mexico is the traditional territory, since time immemorial, of the Chis-Nde, also known as the people of the Chiricahua Apache Nation. The Chiricahua Apache Nation is recognized as a sovereign Native Nation by the United States in the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Friendship of 1 July 1852 (10 Stat. 979) (Treaty of Santa Fe ratified 23 March 1853 and proclaimed by President Franklin Pierce 25 March 1853).