Creative Writing Workshop to Combat Banned Books and Writings: Writer and Poet Laureate of Silver City and Grant County, Heather Frankland will be doing a special creative writing workshop for Banned Book Week as part of The Write Stuff Writing Workshop Program, sponsored by Southwest Word Fiesta. Banned Book Week is September 22nd to September 28th. […]
Author and poet Heather Frankland will present the next workshop in The Write Stuff writing series, a 2-hour talk and generative workshop: Of Love and Heartbreak: Using Poetry as a Tool to Navigate the Many Roads of the Heart. It will be offered on Saturday, February 17th, from 10 am to noon, at the Unitarian […]
To those who value the written word, it’s always exciting when a new book is born or when it’s introduced to new readers. We’re ending the 2023 Southwest Word Fiesta with a special gathering of words and music. On Sunday, October 29, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm MDT, three authors will share readings from their […]
On Friday, October 27, from 3:30-4:30 pm MDT, authors Steven F. Havill & Lif Strand will provide tips to avoid the fundamental mistakes that beginning writers make. They will also discuss the potential perils of self-publishing. Venue: Bear Mountain Lodge. 60 Bear Mountain Ranch Road, Silver City, NM 88062. Havill is the author of 32 […]
Although we previously publicized the Young Adult novels panel, featuring Catalina Claussen and Nicholas Varner, unfortunately, Nick had to drop out. Given the demand for more writing instruction, we have revamped this presentation into a workshop addressing the writing of young adult novels. Join us on Sunday, October 29, from 10-11 am MDT, Session C, for this […]
SWWF: Friday, October 27th, 3:30 – 4:30 pm MDT I would have loved the first book launch I attended after our Covid lockdown, no matter what book it presented. After all, that was my initial chance to be out, not just among people, but among my tribe, and readers. Yet I’m especially grateful that the […]

We respectfully acknowledge that the entirety of southwestern New Mexico is the traditional territory, since time immemorial, of the Chis-Nde, also known as the people of the Chiricahua Apache Nation. The Chiricahua Apache Nation is recognized as a sovereign Native Nation by the United States in the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Friendship of 1 July 1852 (10 Stat. 979) (Treaty of Santa Fe ratified 23 March 1853 and proclaimed by President Franklin Pierce 25 March 1853).