Nominations are now being sought for the Silver City area’s seventh Poet Laureate, following the tenures of Bonnie Buckley Maldonado, Elise Stuart, Beate Sigriddaughter, Jack Crocker, Eve West Bessier, and Allison Waterman.
This honorary position is awarded to a person who has established a presence in the world of poetry, has demonstrated a commitment to the literary art form, and who embraces the opportunity to engage in civil discourse.
Candidates for the post must be over the age of 21 and self-nominated. They must also be residents of Grant County who have exhibited demonstrable ties to the community. The person selected for the post will serve a two-year term based on the calendar year, with the option – granted in consultation with the Selection Committee – of extending the term to three years.
The main duty of the Poet Laureate is to promote poetry in the community. An additional duty may be to present an original commemorative poem at one or two public events as determined by the Southwest Word Fiesta and/or the Silver City Town Council.
To apply, please end a 1-2 page statement describing your qualifications, including publications and teaching experience; a description as to how your community project(s) support how you see your role as Poet Laureate and how your project(s) will make a difference in the community; and 3-5 of your poems (which may be in English or Spanish.) The process will also include an interview with the Selection Committee. All applications must be sent to Elise Stuart at elisestuart16@ no later than April 23, 2024, with applicant interviews scheduled for the day of May 1st. Please email Ms. Stuart with any questions or if you would like more information. Thank you for your interest, we look forward to reviewing your application.