The heavy metal door swung open on creaking hinges, and Michael took a step away from his lab bench, careful not to jostle any equipment, before turning toward the interloper. His wife, Abby, stopped at the lab door. She always complained about his unshielded experiments and stood far away. “Michael, still hard at it?” He […]
A new character enters the story universe of E J Randolph’s Federation Diplomat series, which begins with Retrograde E J Randolph “You won’t pass the test.” My brother Torondo shot me an evil grin from his side of thewell-worn, scratched kitchen tabletop.I squinted at him. “Yes, I will.” I dug my spoon into my oatmeal […]
“Clear,” a voice filled with urgent authority cried. Before I could wonder what that meant, an earthquake went off in my chest. Aftershocks convulsed me. Repeatedly. Followed, finally, by the sound of relieved sighs. Then, I awoke in such a dense fog, I couldn’t see a thing. Awoke? Had I been sleeping? I stumbled through […]
A girl named Elena and an old woman named Marta lived on a lonely windswept coast. Their cottage rested behind a grove of eucalyptus trees that sheltered it from the gust the sea cast onto the land. When Elena stared out her bedroom window at night, the trees danced madly, waving their hands at the […]
This is the first summary report from diving probe Altum. The lander will relay my telemetry separately. Descent proceeding smoothly. Amalthea’s ice crust is vaporizing as expected, creating a meter-wide hole exactly the diameter of my nacelle. I blew quite a geyser dropping the first ten meters. The lander has great pictures. The vapor’s refreezing […]
New characters enter the story universe of E J Randolph’s Federation Diplomat series, which begins with Retrograde E J Randolph My companion blew a puff through his long, trunk-like nose as we wound our way past tall, crumbling red-brick warehouses. “Those humans are staring at us.” “Not at me. You. I’m a human woman. You’re […]

We respectfully acknowledge that the entirety of southwestern New Mexico is the traditional territory, since time immemorial, of the Chis-Nde, also known as the people of the Chiricahua Apache Nation. The Chiricahua Apache Nation is recognized as a sovereign Native Nation by the United States in the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Friendship of 1 July 1852 (10 Stat. 979) (Treaty of Santa Fe ratified 23 March 1853 and proclaimed by President Franklin Pierce 25 March 1853).