A literary lion, some say, others portray him as an author who had an understated style perhaps too economical. But we admit he had a strong impact on the writers of fiction of the last century and even today.. He was probably best known for his seven works of fiction: The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, To Have and Have Not, For Whom the Bells Tolls, Across the River and into the Trees, The Old Man and the Sea, Islands in the Stream. However, his best works are considered by many to be his beloved short stories. The collections of his letters to a range of various individuals from the years 1907-1934 are a retrospective that allows one insight into the mind of not only the writer Hemingway but also the human being known as Papa.
Hemingway wrote in “A Movable Feast” ‘All you have to do is write one true sentence’ and elsewhere ‘Write the truest sentence that you know.’
One True Podcast, in conjunction with The Hemingway Society explores the life, work, and world of Ernest Hemingway, with discussions with numerous individuals from 2019-to the present year of 2022 with 75 episodes under www.onetruepod.com.