Become a Friend of the Festival …
. . . and support a growing tradition!
Events for readers and writers of all ages, celebrating the power and beauty of the written word and embracing the rich diversity of Southwestern cultures.
In addition to our major festivals we organize individual workshops, lectures, reading programs in schools, and a website with book reviews, announcements, and information for writers of all ages. We bring noted writers
and an active audience to Silver City. We also introduce the writers of this region to new opportunities. Our events are up-close, personal, and lively!
Annual Membership Levels
Student: $10 Individual: $15
Family: $20 Lifetime: $200
We also welcome volunteers for events and in-kind contributions.
Please contact us ( for additional information.
To make your contribution tax-deductible, please make your
check out to the Grant County Community Foundation,
our 501(c)3 partner, add a note that it is for Southwest Word Fiesta, and mail to
1106 N. Pope St, Silver City, NM 88061