Author of three novels, including End of the World House (forthcoming 4/19/22); Invitation to a Bonfire, which was a 2018 Indie Next Pick and a Financial Times Pick for Best Books of the Year; and Daughters, which won the 2015 PEN Southwest Book Award for Fiction. Her collection of cartoons, Apocalypse How? An Existential Bestiary came out in 2016. Her work has appeared in the 2016 O. Henry Prize Stories, McSweeney’s, Zyzzyva, Ecotone, The Kenyon Review, Strange Horizons, the Paris Review Daily, and elsewhere. She publishes a weekly webcomic and lives in Tucson.
Interview with The Nervous Breakdown, July 2018:
Interview with The Rumpus, June 2018:
Talk at Google, 2015: