Join us on Saturday, December 01, 2018 at 2:00pm at the Tranquilbuzz Coffee House (112 W Yankie St.) for Just Words! Azima Forest will read from her work.
Azima Forest is a Unitarian Universalist minister and also a sheikh (teacher) in the universal Sufi tradition. She is a graduate of the University of California in Berkeley and the Starr King School for the Ministry, a UU seminary also in Berkeley. Until moving to Silver City, she lived most of her life in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a three-year stint in Washington State and four years in the international township of Auroville in south India. She is a poet and writer, author of A Journey from Love to Love, a Reiki healing practitioner, a dreamworker, and offers various forms of one-to-one spiritual exploration. She has lived in Silver City for 17 years
A sample of Azima’s writing:
Crow’s Nest
How often I climbed
Up and up
the branches of my acacia tree
sliding over
smooth limbs
welcoming mine
Up and up
to that special nest
a comfy place to sit
and feel
the subtle swaying
as the wind whispered
through the feathery leaves
Open mic will follow promptly after the featured artist!