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The Panels and Presentations of Sunday, October 29

10:00 -11:00 am MDT

  • SESSION A/Breakout Room A: Photography: Photographer Michael Berman will share landscape photos and discuss the role that places have in inspiring great work.

10:00 -11:00 am MDT

  • SESSION B/Breakout Room B: At the Global Resource Center Auditorium, WNMU, Essay writers, John Wheeler, Katy Kelleher, and John Fayhee will read excerpts from their work and offer advice for beginning essay writers. Wheeler and Kelleher will appear on Zoom, while Fayhee will be with us in-person.

10:00 -11:00 am MDT

  • SESSION C/Breakout Room C: Author Catalina Claussen will present a writing workshop on Young Adult Fiction writing. She will explore the art of characterization and the interplay of interior and exterior dialogue, while guiding attendees through exercises designed to illuminate the wonder of “writing what you know” in both poetry and prose. This workshop will take place in the Global Resource Center, ABC Room, WNMU.

11:30-12:30 pm MDT

  • SESSION A/Breakout Room A: Writers and Researchers, Javier Marrufo, Catalina Claussen, and Brandon Perrault, will discuss the history of Grant County through their personal family experiences. This presentation will take place in the Silver City Museum Annex.

11:30-12:30 pm MDT

  • SESSION B/Breakout Room B: Past Poet Laureates will read their poetry: Beate Sigriddaughter, Jack Crocker, Elise Stuart, and Bonnie Buckley Maldonado. This event will take place at the Grant County Community Foundation building.

11:30-12:30 pm MDT

  • SESSION C/Breakout Room C: At the Global Resource Center Auditorium, WMNU, songwriters Gary Paul on Zoom, and Wally Lawder in-person, will detail the process of their craft and offer words of inspiration for beginning songwriters.

1:30-3 pm MDT

  • SESSION A/Breakout Room A: Venue: Miller Library. A Gathering of Books and Music, and Closing: Authors Heather Frankland, Kris Neri, and John Macker will read from their work. Local band MoonShine will close the 2023 Southwest Word Fiesta with music.

Zoom Links

This is the Zoom number for most of the sessions involving Zoom. WNMU decided to do a single Zoom number and then to have the sessions put into breakdown rooms—A, B, C, and D—corresponding with our sessions (A, B, C, and D).

Once you click the WNMU link, you’ll be put into the main room, Session A/Room A. If you wish to attend a different session, at the bottom of your Zoom app, in the screen commands on the Zoom dashboard, you’ll see “Breakout Rooms.” Click the up arrow and choose the room you wish to enter. You may move between rooms at any time — just click on another room.

Here’s the full list of Zooms for the events being presented at the Silver City Public Library. Programs at the library will require different Zoom links: