Look for a new post of Sunday Brunch every month on the first Sunday. This column features Tripod Poems, poetic micro essays inspired by three randomly chosen words. These words become the title of the piece, are contained within the piece and are developed into observations on life in the Southwest and beyond.

Assemblage – Organize – Invocation
Assemblage is art
brought together
from bits and pieces,
random odds and ends,
the contents of a hundred
junk drawers, the flotsam
and jetsam of the ordinary.
The trick in the process
is how to organize
this cultural debris
into a sculptural fantasy.
Using a hot glue gun
and the creative adhesive
of an evolving theme,
humor and irreverence
lead to odd juxtapositions
as vehicles of meaning.
My personal assemblage,
Surf’s Up, Duck!
with its word play title conjuring
Bugs Bunny’s famous quip,
is an homage to the subculture
of surfing, a whimsical tribute
to the aquatic daydreams
of a land-locked, desert dweller.
It’s a comical contrivance,
but beneath the frivolity lies
my genuine invocation
to all things ocean,
an exposure of my dolphin
spirit’s longing for home.
Art as quirky self-portraiture.
Photo: Original Assemblage, “Surf’s Up Duck” by Eve West Bessier