Look for a new post of Sunday Brunch every month on the first Sunday. This column features Tripod Poems, poetic micro essays inspired by three randomly chosen words. These words become the title of the piece, are contained within the piece and are developed into observations on life in the Southwest and beyond.

Three Love Letters – In Honor of Valentine’s Day
Tickle – Note – Frank
There’s a tickle
at back of my
a slight shimmer
a glitter in the wind
a foretaste
of delight
Like a school child
passing a secret note
my heart extends
an invitation
a love letter
a Valentine
to be open and
generously frank
to fill unabashedly
with glee
Infiltrate – Beget – Upward
In the sign language
of the body
written in sinew
your touch infiltrates
my defenses
like a regimen
of cautious gardeners
bulbs in hand
ready to plant
what love will beget.
Dark soil will enable
this thrusting upward
across strata of loss
towards a new trust.
Cercado – Translación – Esperanza
Enclosed – Translation – Hope
To be enclosed
in our own skin,
a world separate
from all others, yet
so permeable,
our human derma,
a loosely bound barrier,
thin and fragile.
Moisture, medicine
emotion all translate
across our soft
aid us to comprehend
the language of living,
heat, cold, dull, sharp.
From within our enclosures
we reach out to the haloes
of translucence that sing
like choirs of light
knowing hope
resides just outside
the veils we hide behind.
Photo Credit: Eve West Bessier