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The Write Stuff

A new series of writing workshops for Silver City and Grant County, NM

Silver City and Grant County writers…do you have The Write Stuff? That is, the skills necessary to take
your writing to the next level?

The Write Stuff, a new program hosted by nationally-published, award-winning author and writing
instructor Kris Neri, will share the techniques required for writers to elevate their works. The Write Stuff
will present a series in-depth writing workshops throughout the year, offered by some of the most
accomplished local authors and instructors, on a variety of writing challenges.

Kris Neri will present the initial workshop, a 2-hour talk: Moving from Premise to Plot: Novel Structure.
Many newer writers report they’re great at coming up with intriguing story ideas, but they don’t always
know how to break those big ideas into workable parts. Kris will show attendees how to focus their
novels, exploring the Central Problem concept, the importance of backstory, and the illusive hidden
story. The workshop will also address the 3-act structure for fiction, and will look at how that dovetails
with the Central Problem and the essential nature of story.

Moving from Premise to Plot: Novel Structure will be given at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Silver City, 3845 N. Swan St. (North of PNM, The Power Co.), Silver City, on Friday, September 23,
from 1-3 PM. All writers are welcome, and readers who would like to learn more about writing are also
welcome to attend.

Kris Neri latest novel, Hopscotch Life, a mainstream-crime crossover, was a recent New Mexico-
Arizona Book Award winner. Kris also writes the Tracy Eaton mysteries and the Samantha Brennan &
Annabelle Haggerty magical series. Her novels have been honored by such prestigious awards as the:
Agatha, Anthony, Macavity, Lefty, New Mexico-Arizona Book Award, and others. She is a three-time
Lefty Award finalist for her humor writing, and a four-time New Mexico-Arizona Book Award winner
for her own novels and for books to which she’s contributed. She teaches writing online for the Writers’
Program of the UCLA Extension School and other organizations. She makes her home in Silver City.
Future presentations will include a workshop on creative nonfiction, presented by Professor Heather
Frankland of WNMU, and a program on place-based fiction and finding your voice, offered by award-
winning Grant County author Catalina Claussen. Others will follow.

All workshops will be free and open to the public. No reservations. Seating is limited.

Don’t miss this chance to learn the techniques that will make you a stronger writer. Make sure you have
The Write Stuff!

For more information, go to

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Southwest Word Fiesta™ or its steering committee.

Enriching Life Through Learning in Community

We respectfully acknowledge that the entirety of southwestern New Mexico is the traditional territory, since time immemorial, of the Chis-Nde, also known as the people of the Chiricahua Apache Nation. The Chiricahua Apache Nation is recognized as a sovereign Native Nation by the United States in the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Friendship of 1 July 1852 (10 Stat. 979) (Treaty of Santa Fe ratified 23 March 1853 and proclaimed by President Franklin Pierce 25 March 1853).

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Mimbres Press of Western New Mexico University is a traditional academic press that welcomes agented and unagented submissions in the following genres: literary fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, memoir, poetry, children’s books, historical fiction, and academic books. We are particularly interested in academic work and commercial work with a strong social message, including but not limited to works of history, reportage, biography, anthropology, culture, human rights, and the natural world. We will also consider selective works of national and global significance.