Former Kansas Poet Laureate and Co-Publisher at Mammoth Publications
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SOUP TO NUTS: From First Draft to Publishable Poetry
A Workshop for Poets of all Levels
Using a one-page sample of your writing
– Learn how to go from draft, to revision, to readiness for
a journal editor’s sharp eyes.
– Learn what to beware of when seeking publication of your work
Saturday, October 4, 2014
614 N. Bullard Street, Silver City NM
Reserve your place: [email protected] or 575-313-3172
(More information below)
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Between 3:30 and 5:00pm
614 N. Bullard Street, Silver City NM
$25 for 15 minutes
-Prepare a five-minute summary of your book project and pitch it to Denise Low, co-publisher of Mammoth Publications and formerly with Cottonwood Review Press.
-Get an on-the-spot response to the proposal and the pitch, with suggestions for improvement.
Look over the Mammoth Publications website for further information about the press. Order sample books at 40% discount by mentioning this event to [email protected], before Sept. 24, 2014.
SOUP TO NUTS: From First Draft to Publishable Poetry
A Workshop for Poets of all Levels
From start to finish, how do professionals take a draft of a poem, tighten it, revise, and prepare it for journal editors’ sharp eyes?
In the Soup to Nuts Workshop,
*Learn the secrets of professional writers.
*Learn to avoid unnecessary explanations, doublings, articles and prepositions, verb phrases, personal “darlings”, and other impediments to a poem’s flow.
*Learn what vocabulary choices are available in American English.
*Beware of the sharks out to charge you for publishing your writing.
*What do reputable publishers look for, and how can you best appeal to them?
This workshop includes on-the-spot writing, revising, handouts, brief lectures, and lots of support, for any level of poet.
Bring 10 copies of a one-page sample of your writing and laptop or other writing implements.
First 5 to sign up also receive a book by Denise Low.
Former Kansas poet laureate Denise Low is the author of twelve books of poetry, including Mélange Block (Red Mountain Press) and Ghost Stories of the New West (Woodley Memorial Press, 2010), a Kansas Notable Book Award and recognized by The Circle of Minneapolis as among the best Native American Books of 2010. Jackalope Walks into an Indian Bar, fiction and poetry, is forthcoming from Mouthfeel Press, El Paso.
Recent poems appear in New Letters, American Life in Poetry, North American Review, Cream City Review, Yellow Medicine Review, Summerset, Blue Lyra, Numéro Cinq, Coal City Review, and others.
Low earned her BA, MA, and PhD in English from the University of Kansas, and her MFA from Wichita State University. She was guest poet for the Academy of American Poets online forum, 2008.
Low has been visiting professor of creative writing at the University of Richmond and Kansas University. She taught at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Ks., where she founded the creative writing program.
Awards and fellowships are from the Roberts Foundation, Lichtor Poetry Prize, Kansas Arts Council, NEH, and Sequoyah National Research Center.
She is a fifth generation Kansan of mixed British Isles, German, and unaffiliated Delaware (Lenape and Munsee) and Cherokee heritage.
Members of the Associated Writers and Writing Programs elected Low to serve on the national board 2008 to 2013, including a term as president. She and her husband Thomas Pecore Weso co-publish Mammoth Publications, an independent press that specializes in Indigenous American and Great Plains poetry and literary prose.
Ms. Low’s workshops are part of the Southwest Festival of the Written Word’s
OCTOBER 2-4, 2014