A southwestern storyteller, young adult novelist, and poet whose works include young adult novels Diamonds at Dusk (2016), Diamonds at Dawn (2018), Being Home: A Southwestern Almanac (2020), and Holding on to Hope (2020). Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and now a long-time resident of the Mimbres Valley, Claussen has gained an appreciation for the slow pace of small-town living. Her work has been recognized by the New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards, Wishing Shelf Book Awards (in the UK), and the New Apple Book Awards for Independent Publishing.
Interview with KTAL Las Cruces Community Radio, March 2021: https://www.lccommunityradio.org/archives/all-about-books-catalina-claussen
Interview with KSJE San Juan College, February 2021: https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-dyfqp-f8ee00
Presentation at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City, January 2021: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X0nfNIuaH-dO386hcNA59pSpK4Em1srZ/view